I've been running Coding Dojos for the Tech community in Glasgow for a while now. A Coding Dojo is a 2 hour coding session where programmers of varied skill levels come together to work on a common task. The task is simple in scope and difficulty. The goal is to learn, teach and improve with fellow software developers in a non-competitive setting.
I was approached by Adrian Mowatt and Rob Lally from AgileScotland about the prospect of getting involved with a whole day coding event in Glasgow. I eagerly joined these two pioneers and we are happy to announce the first Coding Retreat in the UK.
We will be getting 20 keen software developers together in a room, putting them in pairs and seeing what they can achieve in 40 minutes. Every 40 minutes the pairs change and we start again.
We have selected the Ruby programming language to be used by pairs on the day.
It's happening on Saturday the 21st November 2009 at Glasgow Caledonian University from 9am to 5pm. Tickets are completely free and available from EventBrite.
We'll be providing breakfast and lunch as well as drinks throughout the day. After 5pm we full intend to retire to a nearby watering hole.
We are limited to 20 people. So please sign up quickly as we won't be able to increase the amount of tickets!