Joejag - Just Another Geek

December 2019 Health Report

Dec 22, 2019

Eighteen weeks ago, I let you all know that I am suffering from liver disease and doing what I can to reverse it.

Since then, Steve Tooke has become my accountability buddy as he has the same diagnoisis. We are both reporting every six weeks with how we are progressing.

Goal update

Weight at start: 105kg / 47.5% fat
Six weeks ago: 96kg / 35.1% fat
Current weight: 92kg / 34.0% fat
Goal weight: 74kg (according to BMI) or 20% body fat.

Habits report

Name Kept to it?
Aim to lose 5kg every six weeks No, 4kg lost
Go for a run at least two times a week 4 weeks out of 6
Use VR workout on days not running 4 weeks out of 6
Stop using lifts 6 weeks out of 6
Have at most one night a week with alcohol consumption 5 weeks out of 6

Thoughts on the last six weeks

It was another six weeks of keeping to habits, some of which were hard to establish, but now are part of everyday life. I don’t want to start any “only when losing weight” habits, and instead focus on doing things I plan to do forever.

Running was going super well for the first four weeks, as I managed to get below 30 minutes for a 5k run. However, we had terrible wind, rain and below zero temperatures for the next two weeks. I moved to do more VR workouts to compensate, but I’ve missed getting out for a run.

A highlight was getting to end of the belt I’ve been using since the start. I’ve replaced my trousers and belt with ones that are four inches shorter — an excellent sign of progress.

Next six weeks

No major changes since things are working well. I’m quite happy about losing 4k every six weeks. It means I’ll get to my goal weight in six months.

I’m going to start taking two stairs at a time when going upstairs. When I first started I’d be out of breath by the time I got to the top, but it’s starting to feel like it’s not making a dent, so going faster will get that feeling of having achieved something again.

Zero new year’s resolutions. I am just going to keep going.

Good things in this period

Best Tweets

Bad things in this period

I had a few times where I overate and had a panic about what it would mean. These days can throw your motivation and make you think everything was for nothing. I decided extra exercise would be a good response, so the next day I’d go for a long walk to make up.

See you again around the 2nd of February 2020.