Joejag - Just Another Geek

February 2020 Health Report

Feb 2, 2020

Half a year ago, I let you all know that I am suffering from liver disease and doing what I can to reverse it.

I’ve been trying out different habits, exercises, and eating patterns and posting on how I’m progressing every six weeks.

Goal update

Weight at start: 105kg / 47.5% fat
Six weeks ago: 92kg / 34.0% fat
Current weight: 90kg / 32.0% fat
Goal weight: 74kg (according to BMI) or 20% body fat.

Habits report

Habit Measure Kept to it?
I am a healthier living person Aim to lose 4kg every six weeks No, 2kg gained, then 4kg lost)
I am a runner Go for a run at least two times a week 4 weeks out of 6
I am a VR exercise enthusiast Use VR workout at least three times a week 5 weeks out of 6
I take the stairs Stop using lifts 6 weeks out of 6
I’m an occasional drinker Have at most one night a week with alcohol consumption 4 weeks out of 6

Thoughts on the last six weeks

I always knew the Christmas period would be a challenge. I ended up putting on 2kg from food and lack of a steady routine. Given a choice between having one or two chocolates a day, I instead figured it was better to eat them all then develop a habit of eating chocolates every day.

The weather meant it was harder to get out for a run regularly. In the last week, I’ve switched to running from work rather than getting up in the morning and going for a run. I like this as it means the time is reserved in your day.

Marc Burgauer has been reading about Atomic Habits and prompted me to change my thinking around goals into thinking about identity. So rather than “I will run a 10k”, it’s “I am a runner”. I like this subtle switch, so I’ve updated the habits above.

Next six weeks

I’ve got a 10k race in London next weekend, for which I’m aiming to break my record of 1 hour and 1 minute. That along with regular runs home after work, should see me getting better as a runner.

I’ve been trying out a bunch of vegan meals as alternatives for weeknights. Jackfruit quarter pounders have been the best hit so far, and nothing else has been universally enjoyed by my kids.

Good things in this period

Best Tweets

Bad things in this period

While out for my first run after work, I had a backpack on which didn’t fit properly, which has resulted in me having lower back pain for over five days. I’m hoping it just goes away, but I’m starting to get worried I’ve done something quite serious to it.

These last six weeks have been the first time I’ve put on any weight since I started on this path. I had thought exercise would’ve combated the food, but it wasn’t the case. Given Christmas and holidays are rare events, I’m not going to dwell on this too much.

See you again around the 15th of March 2020.